Hello, I'm Murat.

I have always found myself wondering about the working principle of the games I play, the software I use on desktop or mobile. Most of the time, I look for vulnerabilities in these systems, I think about how I could improve it if I were myself, what kind of additions I would make. As someone who has started working in this field because of my interest in software, I aim to constantly improve myself. I try to apply everything I have learned in practice and I constantly test myself with the projects I do. In this process, I continue to learn important web technologies well. The projects in my portfolio are the works I have done using these technologies I have learned. Thanks to these projects, I gained experience in web development and I want to develop this experience further.

Each feature I use in my projects can be included in each project separately. I'll try to update the projects I've posted here while I'm developing for my main project I'm working on...

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